Welcome to Vacation for Wholeness & Health
Our mission is to help people to recognize travel and vacationing as a necessary component to their health and wellness and that the idea of travel and vacationing should be a real expectation; a practice in which to engage with regularity and without compromise; a practice that is just as important and necessary to being radiantly healthy as any other hygienic practice.
Take A Good Look at the Benefits of Travel!
• Awakens Creativity
• Helps in gaining New Perspectives
• Deepens Connection with your spouse & Children
• Increases Romance & Sex Life
• Connects you more deeply with the World you live in
• When people travel and Vacation, they become more knowing, compassionate and less ignorant of the realities of our world.
We at Sage Center for Wholeness & Health are committed to helping people return these attributes to their lives by providing them with the tools and implements of creative and economical vacationing and travel.